HFNL Themabijeenkomst: Teamwork (webinar)

Op dinsdag 20 april organiseerde HFNL een webinar over human factors en teamwork. Deze themabijeenkomst was gelinkt aan het dossier van het Tijdschrift voor Human Factors van april 2021. De video's per presentatie zijn terug te kijken via de links onderaan deze pagina.

The afternoon was chaired by dr. Travis Wiltshire, assistant professor at the department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence and lab coordinator of MindLabs, Tilburg University: "Across many domains a majority of work is done by teams comprised of members with differing roles and expertise that exhibit interdependence on each other and their technological systems. The science of teams and teamwork is a multi-disciplinary endeavor that draws on multiple facets of human factors as well as the organizational, cognitive, and computational sciences. This area of inquiry is crucial to ensure that we are able to form, develop, and maintain teams that can cope and adapt to increasing complexity in the workplace."


Human-centered design for teamwork: Creating actionable solutions for increasingly complex teamwork in healthcare
Prof.dr. Martine de Bruijne, Professor of Public Health, especially Quality of Care at Dept. of Public and Occupational Health, Amsterdam University Medical Centers & dr.ir. Marijke Melles, associate professor Human-Centered Design for Quality of Care, Delft University of Technology

Teamwork in healthcare is challenged by increasing complexity due to ongoing specialization, innovative technology and the urge for growing patient participation. Martine and Marijke will explain the basics of teamwork in healthcare and the opportunities offered by human-centered design methods to improve teamwork.

Resilience and team communication processes
Lida David, MSc., PhD Candidate, Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, Department of Learning, Data Analytics and Technology, University of Twente

The ability of teams to develop and maintain resilience in challenging environments is key to safe and effective teamwork. Lida’s presentation will focus on how the process of resilience can be explored through communication patterns, offering important insights on how resilient behaviour is generated and promoted.

The future of work: Artificial Intelligence and teamwork
Rebecca Lundin, Celpax

Feeding team success: the art of giving and facilitating effective team feedback
Dr. Catherine Gabelica, Assistant Professor, Department of People, Organizations and Negotiation, IÉSEG School of Management, Lille & Paris

We all know how much feedback about performance or behaviors is important for a team to function well. But, giving and receiving feedback is a practice that requires explicit attention, skills that must be learned, and practice. This article provides recommendations based on prior work on how best to provide feedback to teams.

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