Kerem Dogan (Universiteit Twente) wint de HFNL Scriptieprijs 2023

Winnaar van de Human Factors NL Scriptieprijs 2023 is Kerem Dogan, afgestudeerd aan de Universiteit Twente faculteit Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences op het onderwerp "Handover from AI to humans in L3 automated vehicles: a pilot study". De drie genomineerden voor de HFNL Scriptieprijs 2023 presenteerden hun inzending tijdens het Human Factors NL Jaarcongres 2023 op 23 november, waarna Kerem de prijs in ontvangst mocht nemen van juryvoorzitter professor Hein Daanen.

Uit het juryrapport:
"In the near future automated vehicles will be part of our transportation system, which will lead to less traffic jam and more efficient use of fuel and electricity. In L3 automated vehicles, drivers are “passive” as the vehicle drives itself. However, the driver is still responsible and has to take over in case something goes wrong. Therefore, the driver has to remain alert. Kerem found that mental workload and state anxiety are important for the quality of taking over control. Also, he found that an innovative chatbot was effective as a measurement tool of vigilance. The work of Kerem contributes to safer driving in the near future and the literature review and data-analysis were of good quality."

Kerem, hartelijk gefeliciteerd!

De twee mede-genomineerden voor de Human Factors NL Scriptieprijs 2023 waren:

Maximiliaan Morres - Technische Universiteit Delft, Faculteit Industrieel Ontwerpen
moopi - A mass-customized 3D printed home office desk chair

Uit het juryrapport:​
"The topic of chair design is relevant to ergonomics and important since, unfortunately, sitting is the dominating posture during work. Based on body dimensions, expert opinion and thorough analysis of the literature, an algorithm generates the shell of the individualized seat. This is innovative. We recommend that more people should be included in the evaluation and also to investigate if the frame of the chair can be individualized and made less heavy. The work is well-described and offers a step to new design and 3D printing techniques."

Hilde Pentenga - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences
The effects of working with a passive arm support exoskeleton on muscle activity, heart rate, and self-reported outcomes during field tasks at a nation wide gas company

Uit het juryrapport:
"This thesis investigates the benefits and disadvantages of exoskeletons during work. Ten participants were measured with and without exoskeleton during their daily tasks in the gas industry. Thus, validity is high since the normal tasks were performed. Muscle activity appeared to be generally lower with exoskeletons than without. Heart rate and local discomfort did not differ. Despite the lower muscular activation, the participants were not unanimous in recommending the exoskeleton tool. Both objective physical workload and subjective experience of using the exoskeleton were measured, which contributes to decision making in companies like gasunie and the optimization of exoskeletons."

De Human Factors NL Scriptieprijs is voor HBO en universitaire afstudeerscripties die een sterk voorbeeld zijn van afstudeerwerk op het gebied van human factors en ergonomie en wordt jaarlijks uitgereikt. Het afstudeerproject kan onderzoek betreffen en/of de ontwikkeling van een product, een dienst of een product-dienst combinatie.

De jury voor de Human Factors NL Scriptieprijs 2023 bestond uit:
- prof.dr. Hein Daanen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (voorzitter)
- dr. Lottie Kuijt-Evers, Haagse Hogeschool
- dr. Guido te Brake, vhp human performance

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